Who’s liam ?

Par défaut

Hi everyone ! 
In this post I’m gonna represent to you LIAM 

Liam is my hero , my lover , my other half , my soul mate whom i haven’t met yet .. but i have an idea of how would he be like :

Liam is way tall that I can look up at him , he has a tan beautiful skin and strong muscles , he also has thick dark hair that you can run your fingers into , and he has these big beautiful hazel eyes which you get lost in once he stares at you , and of course what i like most about him is the half smile he always does before starting a funny sentence …

now lets run to his personality : 

Liam is fun , funny , and serious at times , he knows when to act wise and when to be crazy and wild , he has the right words to make a sad person smile and feel better without questioning whats the problem , he has a beautiful voice so he uses it to sing his questions after asking them when he notices your avoiding giving him answers , and before he says cute things about you he rubs the back of his head , that’s his  » being shy  » sign and he smokes often ..

I would love to tell you more details about his life , his family and so on , but lets just find out about these stuff in the next posts 


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